


The field

This project is one of the best projects I've worked on. It's a social media app with a sports theme. The app is built using Next.js and MongoDB as the database, and it has a connection with a Golang backend. Additionally, it utilizes the Next.js API.

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In this project, I worked with a small team to create a banking system app. The app utilizes Next.js Auth for authentication and the Next.js API as the backend. My role in this project was to lead the team, provide solutions, and supervise the team by conducting revisions.

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Go Field

This project is a Golang backend for the "The Field" app. It primarily handles user authentication by storing sessions in a MongoDB database and requires authorization headers. The backend includes features such as protected routes and also includes functionality for creating posts (backend is currently in development for a full migration).

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'Venta Online'

This is an Express server made with TypeScript for an e-commerce platform. It encompasses various functionalities including user authentication, role-based authentication, CRUD operations, product management, billing, and cart management. The server is designed to handle these features and facilitate a seamless e-commerce experience.

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Learning new technologies and creating things are activities that I genuinely love. Throughout my journey, I have worked on several smaller projects that have not only helped me learn but also showcase my progress. These projects have been instrumental in my continuous learning process, allowing me to explore and gain hands-on experience with various technologies. They serve as tangible evidence of my growth and development in the field.


My first app using Svelte with the SvelteKit meta framework was an exciting learning experience. SvelteKit provides a streamlined approach to building web applications, and I utilized its features to develop my project.

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Angular Showcase

Angular training showcase using Angular Material and Google Auth. The application incorporates various features and technologies to provide a comprehensive solution.

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Gestor App

I developed an application using the Next.js metaframework for hotel and room management and booking. The application incorporates various features and technologies to provide a comprehensive solution.

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I developed a visually appealing landing page using Next.js and implemented authentication, CRUD operations, and deployed the project on Vercel for the first time.

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Academic Control

One of my earliest well-developed backends was built using Express.js and JavaScript. The application focuses on academic control, specifically managing students, teachers, and course enrollment (role based authentication)

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